Difficult times can be the most rewarding for personal growth if you allow. Death can feel so final and emotionally debilitating but… what can you learn from it? Is it possible that everything is a message to your for positive change? Everything? Listen and find out!
What really causes disease and aging? Could it be that we are deficient in one of the most smallest molecules that make up most of our human body? George Wiseman says yes, and he teaches us how hydrogen (plus five more substances) can change the way we heal and age – and quickly! Learn how drinking hydrogen rich water and breathing hydrogen rich gas can have humungorungus benefits
Gut health is key to health yet we lack the bacteria necessary to break down our food and nutrients to allow us the health we need. Wayne Blakeley has researched and secured the bacteria necessary for amazing gut health and products that can also detox our body from mold and other pathogens!